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Would you like to help lead and develop the UK Acute Oncology Society ?

Dear members,

the UKAOS is keen to hear from current or new members who would be interested in working more closely with UKAOS on developing the 5 year strategy and delivering  the current work programme.

·       Would you be interested in becoming a member of the newly formed Programme Management Group with the aim of supporting ongoing UKAOS              project work and strategy development?

We are now a well established National Society and have an exciting year ahead with our first face to face Conference planned for September 2024. Acute Oncology was launched in 2009 so this is the 15 year anniversary of the specialty.  This year we can look back to where we started and celebrate how much we have all achieved.

But of course we will continue moving forward ,sharing skills and knowledge and infulencing and guiding the futiure development of Acute Oncology. We benefit from being a multidisciplinary organisation and would welcome interest from health care professionals of all disciplines and specialties - Acute Oncology is Everyone's Business.

If you wish to find out more then please use the enquiry form to contact us and one of the UKAOS team will get back to you. 

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