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  UKAOS has an established medical trainee subgroup and an elected trainee representative as a member of the UKAOS board. Please look at the    Trianee page for details of the work being undertaken by this group.

Curriculum for Medical Oncology Training     (Implementation August 2021).     Picture 1.jpg

The Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board state that the curriculum provides training in the management of all types of cancer and the acute disease or treatment-related complications with the aim of producing pluripotent medical oncologists who at completion of training will have the transferable skills to manage any tumour type and the flexibility to work across differing locations and service models to adapt to the changing needs of the service.    

Learning outcome 8 relates directly to Acute Oncology Services.


 Useful links -

Please do contact us if you would like us to add information and links to any relevant education/training courses that you provide or are developing

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