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 Mucositis/ Stomatitis/ Oesophagitis is an inflammatory reaction of the mucous lining of, the upper gastrointestinal tract from mouth to stomach (mouth, lips, throat), and surrounding soft tissues.

Characterised by ulcers and /or erythema, that can cause soreness and significant pain that will reduce dietry and fluid intake.

MASCC  -  Mucositis affects the inner lining of the oral and gastrointestinal tract. Oral mucositis often leads to difficulty eating and swallowing; gastrointestinal mucositis is associated with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, intestinal cramping, and anal pain. For patients who are immunosuppressed, oral mucositis is associated with greater risk for bacteremia, which has possible systemic implications. Patients experiencing mucositis often require enteral or parenteral nutrition, consume more opioids, and experience more interruptions to cancer therapy than patients who do not experience mucositis.

Are you a health professional looking for immediate guidance?

UKONS Acute Oncology Initial Management may help 


National and International guidelines:


MASCC/ISOO clinical practice guidelines for the management of mucositis secondary to cancer therapy: First published: 28 July 2020


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