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There are a number of excellent videos available as an introduction to MSCC,  -  this is a good example  Click here

MSCC Education and Training - a fine example.The acute oncology team at Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust are working hard to improve the care of patients with suspected/and confirmed MSCC. 

Education and Training :

Logo The New South Wales Cancer Institute  support an excellent rapid e learning set on their eviQ website

Metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC) Cancer cells sometimes grow around the spinal cord and cause compression on the spinal cord which results in neurological damage. Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression (MSCC) can result in irreversible damage including paraplegia and is considered an oncological emergency. 

It is important that all health professionals are able to:

  • recognise the signs and symptoms of metastatic spinal cord compression

  • assess the severity

  • initiate the right interventions and escalate care appropriately.


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